Student Life
School Registration
For Families
“It’s cool to be smart here”
— BHS Student (2009 SAU Review)
This quote from a Bangor High School student continues to define our unique culture of achievement that is based on a rigorous curriculum and a supported challenge for all students. Since its 2002 honor as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, BHS has been recognized for the achievement of its students on several annual publications, including four consecutive National Silver Awards (US News) and one of 500 national Advanced Placement District Honor Roll awardees (College Board 2014).
Earning the BHS diploma requires a combination of academic credits (22) and proficiency in the eight content areas:
English (4 credits and proficiency in integrated reading and writing)
Mathematics (3.5 credits and proficiency in Algebra II)
Science (3 credits and proficiency in applied inquiry of the NGSS)
History (2 credits and proficiency in state standards)
Health & Physical Education (1.5 credits and proficiency in state standards)
Visual / Performing Arts (1 credit and proficiency in creative expression and criticism)
Career and Education (Proficiency in college and career readiness)
World Languages (Proficiency in cultural knowledge and purposeful communication)
Over four years, students plan courses and pursue diploma requirements under a liberal arts model. A Personal Learning Plan (PLP) guides the process, with years one and two laying a broad foundation for years three and four, when students select course and non-course experiences that pursue their post-secondary goals as they meet and exceed diploma requirements.
BHS offers several opportunities to earn college credit during high school, including over 20 AP courses, Bridge Year, Rural U, and ECAP in addition to written credit agreements between BHS, the University of Maine, and Husson University.