Student Life
School Registration
For Families
The following forms are required in physical copy prior to participating in BHS Athletics
Physical Exam Form
(Click to Open PDF)
Students with a form already on file are not required to resubmit.
Must be completed and signed by a physician after the final day of the grade 8 year
The physical must have occurred within the previous three (3) months of the signed date
Physician's report must be comprehensive (general wellness statements not accepted)
Notwithstanding injury, one acceptable Physical Form covers four years of participation
The school-based PCHC Clinic is available and can provide physical exams.
PCHC can be reached by telephone @ 404-8247 to set up an appointment.
Parent Consent Form
(Click to Open PDF)
A longstanding requirement that is not specific to Covid-19that but must be filed annually.
Review prior to completion: BSD Policies Related to Athletics Participation
Note: This form requires your athlete's Health Insurance Policy Information
Student-Athlete Liability Waiver
(Click to Open PDF)
This is an agreement to provide / receive Athletic Training Services
Concussion Information & Acknowledgment
(Click to Open PDF)
Parental acknowledgment of concussion protocols.
Information for Families without Required Health Insurance Coverage:
The following documents are provided as informational starting points for purchasing insurance to cover students participating in BHS Athletics. Two options exist, one for football and one for non-collision sports.
Enrollment in the appropriate option is completed online, and this process is made easier by previewing these downloadable documents:
Hard copies are available in the BHS Main Office.