Student Life
School Registration
For Families
Jeff Fahey
Health & Physical Education Department Head
Educating and preparing students to effectively use leisure time and to achieve physical, social, and emotional wellness are the main goals of the Physical Education & Health Department. The intent of our program is to enable each student to enjoy physical activity through improved fitness levels and better understanding of the lifelong benefits of recreational activity as established in Maine’s Parameters of Essential Instruction.
Different pathway offerings within the program are all designed for students to meet diploma requirements by the end of their sophomore year, primarily through specific course-embedded assessments and experiences in Physical Education (PE) and Health. Both Health and PE classes meet 5 days a week with two days working on personal fitness and the other three spending time within the course discipline pathway.
Students who need to demonstrate PE or Health graduation requirements following the sophomore year are able to do so by singing up for any pathway they choose and earning their PE credit. Those still requiring a health credit, will have to sign up for Health class again.
The Intramural Program offers participants an opportunity to further develop the skills promoted in the following courses as students develop interpersonal connections that are critical extensions of classroom learning.
PE Core Course Options:
Team Sports
Lifetime Activities
Aerobics & Fitness
Outdoor Education