Student Life
School Registration
For Families
What if I cannot pay the $35.00? If the registration fee is an issue for you, please speak to your teacher or Mr. Ravan. There are funds available to help students cover the costs.
What if I am not a senior this year? If you are not a senior, you can stil take the test, but you will not be awarded the Seal until your senior year. We have to verify that you are passing your senior English class.
Is there an advantage to taking the test as a Junior? There are two advantages to taking the test as a junior. First, if you pass, you can put the Seal of Biliteracy on your college applications. Second, if you do not pass, you can retake the portions of the test that you did not pass.
What if I speak more than one language? You are welcome to take a test for each language you speak. The World Language Department recommends that you take one test a day.
What if I fail the test? The test is divided into sections. You can retake any section on which you did not obtain a score of 5.
What if I am taking the AP exam? It depends on whether you are a junior or a senior.
If you are taking the AP exam as a junior and you expect to pass the AP exam with a 3 or higher, you should wait and use your AP scores.
If you are taking the AP exam as a senior, you should take the Seal of Biliteracy exam. This is because we will not have your AP scores back in time to award you the Seal of Biliteracy.
I am nervous about this exam. Do not be nervous. If it helps you to feel better, your teacher or Mr. Ravan will put you in touch with a current BHS student who has already taken the exam and passed. They can give you some tips and pointers.